Do you ever think if you’d just taken the opposite side of your trades you’d have made money? You get to feeling there’s somebody sitting beside you… maybe your Broker… or maybe even the devil… taking the other side of your position.
Do they know something you don’t? Well actually ya, but that’s a different discussion for another time.
That’s an emotionally vulnerable and dangerous place to trade from when you think about it. It gets you negatively biased that the entire trading world is against you. Like the example of your broker lurking over your shoulder and taking the opposite position every time you make a trade. (NOT illegal by the way)
Maybe the person you want beside you should be your coach.
Trading is NOT just about the money.

Trading affects our TIME and our LIFE…
the only two assets we truly have
If your trading is creating stress or feels like it’s taking too much time, that’s a common experience.
And if your trading is warping your enjoyment of your family or possibly affecting your career, you could use somebody on your side.
Somebody who’s been there and survived. Not only survived but learned to thrive.
The commodity markets are not only unpredictably volatile but also endless and bottomless. Without strict ground rules you soon feel like you’re on an island surrounded by sharks. Which actually you ARE! Very smart sharks!
Every time you dip a toe in, the feeding frenzy causes you to lurch back and lose your footing… and your money.
Shifting your mental attitude might be all you need to open the doors to your trading success. That, and a set of rules to follow. Rules only you can set. I’m here to help you with making sense of all that!
Commodity Futures Trading is the best possible business in the entire world. No need to enumerate the profitable possibilities because as a trader, you already know this.
But like any business there is risk. The double edged sword of leverage is what cuts deep in commodity trading.
Oddly, in an ordinary business venture, it might take years and a lot of money to learn you’ve chosen the wrong business model.
In your trading account, depending on the length of the time frame you’re setting up your trades, you can know you’re wrong within a couple of bars. That can still take a lot of money away because of the massive leverage you’re allowed to have. And then there’s smart money and there’s dumb money.
Leverage is always the key to wealth in any endeavor. We’re most familiar with leverage in real estate where a relatively small down payment (good faith margin) leverages a large value asset.
A business leverages both suppliers’ money (accounts payable) and the time value of the employees.
This oversimplification just scratches the surface of leverage and that’s ok. We’re here together to maximize your success in your trading account.
Point being, real estate and business as usual is funded by your promissory note to repay. So is your brokerage account.
The difference is when you get it wrong the massive leverage can whipsaw your account right out of existence. That experience becomes emotionally unnerving! Right?
Margin calls are not fun. If not met, the compliance office will liquidate your position end of day! Even after market hours, the settling up session will close you out.
You can actually lose a lot more than you expect. I’m not trying to be maudlin here but this is one reason your mental attitude needs to be strong, committed and rules based.
In today’s stock and commodity trading world, just like yesterday’s trading world, there’s BIG smart money (strong hands) and retail traders’ money (weak hands).
This relationship is made worse by ‘day-traders’ short term thinkers and gamblers.
Back in the days when I started in commodity trading (studying VERY expensive books) retail traders were referred to as necessary for liquidity in the markets. Today I see us retail traders as grist for the mill.
Greed and the gambling mentality supported by on-line day trading have made it very tough to maintain the discipline needed in chaotic trading universe.
That’s the negative side of the equation. The positive side gives the informed and disciplined trader a real advantage. That’s were you and I come together.
It’s Us versus Them provided you’ve got the need and willingness to develop and stick to your rules. The good news is, without the benefit of a trading coach, your competitors are watching YouTube learning freebie lagging indicators. That’s who I mean by ‘Them’!
They’re trying their best to figure out what’s working for somebody else, buying black box robot signal services and other scams, sitting in trading rooms chewing the fat while the real meat is being sucked out of their accounts.
How much can you actually expect to benefit joining a free discussion board, paid “Trading Room” or other bitch and moan fest? I know these are strong words.
They’re ALL losing money or at least not MAKING any REAL money.
Watching the free stuff posted up on You Tube for your viewing pleasure is NOT following the smart money. Don’t be like most traders and copy the same thing all those amateurs do to lose money. Not slammin’ anybody here, but let’s get real!
Expecting ‘free’ videos to solve your trading problems and fill your account is a very expensive way to learn. Not to mention the time wasted studying how to lose money to the professionals.
Invest your time in mentoring. Pay for and join our unique coaching sessions. Learn how to fine tune your methodology and gain a deeper understanding of your trading. Learn how you CAN develop and stick to your rules.
Mentoring with our coaching program modules will help you become the ‘house’ with the odds on your side. If not, you’re only gambling and guaranteed to lose money over time.
You need the edge Us versus Them Coaching will give you to succeed in today’s computerized markets.
Break away from the herd where everybody copies what everybody else does. All growth comes from stepping outside your comfort zone. The question is will you become powerful by applying new knowledge? You CAN become the trader you want to be and be rewarded VERY well.
Are you willing to make that commitment to yourself? Knowledge is not power. Application of knowledge is power. Your brain is telling you having a coach on your side is the right path to help you become a consistent, successful, trader in the shortest time possible.
Join my coaching program and learn life-long skills, get the feedback you need, become accountable to yourself and embrace fresh ideas from our personalized private Coaching program.
Mastery of anything in life starts with self mastery. Get on the road to banking the rewards you deserve from your trading career.
Follow the ‘smart’ money that controls the markets. The dumb money statistically will never have financial freedom from trading the markets. They follow the ‘unsmart’ money blowing out their accounts. A very expensive business failure with your abilities plus my insights, totally avoidable.
Let’s get some questions answered. Think long and hard about these. They’re complicated. So is long term profitable trading.
Have I worked hard my entire life but now face the prospect of lifestyle short-comings in retirement?
These are tough questions. After being honest with yourself you may want to help yourself make changes by enrolling in our next Us versus Them Coaching Program.
If you’ve answered YES to any or all of them, can you also agree it’s in your own best interest to be free to do what you want when you want.
There is no question a successful commodity trading business can turn your future around and fulfill your financial goals.
But if you want something different, you have to DO something different. You are in the driver’s seat.
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